(just kidding)
Thanks to:
David, Paul, Fiona and Eric.
This website has been brought to you by the letters B and F along with the number 4
Most non-animated graphics on this web site designed by Mark Belchamber,
others by Paul Jacobson. All the shockwave files are by Paul Jacobson.
Most of the photographs taken and scanned in by Mark Belchamber.
All of the tieping, setting up, care adn attention to deatail by Mark Belchamber.
Ideas and contributions from (amongst other people):
Paul Jacobson
David Powell
Eric Parks
Martin Kimber
Mr Toad
Fiona-Ann Magnay (Belchamber)
Andy Hastler
Oliver Dunbar
And all the weird and wonderful people I seem to attract as I go through life.
If you have any comments, please let me know.